Andrea Ranger

Director of Shareholder Advocacy

Andrea Ranger joined Trillium as a Director of Shareholder Advocacy in 2024. She previously served as a shareholder advocate at Green Century Capital Management, where she actively engaged the firm’s portfolio companies on addressing climate risk. In addition, she was part of a small team which oversaw the firm’s proxy voting, and she regularly prepared and published press releases, statements, and blogs about her work.

Andrea served on the board of the Massachusetts Climate Action Network (MCAN) from 2015 to 2023.  A non-profit organization, MCAN supports municipalities in advancing their energy efficiency and renewable energy goals and advocates at the state level for greater access to green energy. She led the board’s diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion subcommittee.

As a native New Englander, Andrea enjoys hiking, biking, and swimming in the summer and fall seasons and complements those activities by snowshoeing in the winter. She’s a keen wildlife observer and is particularly interested in birding.

Andrea holds a Bachelor’s of Applied Science degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, a Bachelor’s of Arts in Biology from Arcadia University, and a Master’s in Public Policy from Tufts University.

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